Monday, December 23, 2013

Three Minutes Planning for the New Year

Normanday #108: This year I’m going to learn to make waffles.

Write for three minutes about…

…your plans and hopes for the upcoming year.

Email what you wrote to bigfootreads dot wernert at gmail dot com by the end of the day December 29 (put “Norman Wants a Kiss on New Year’s Eve” in the subject line). I’ll post as many of my favorite entries as I want next Monday. Include your first name (or, even better, use a pen name) and age (unless you’re tortoise-old).

Here is the single entry (poor Santa) from last week when I asked you to write for three minutes about…

…the present you plan to give to Santa Claus.

Poor guy is probably tired of milk and cookies. Don’t get me wrong. Cookies are good. I like a nice chocolate chip or snickerdoodle for the holidays. But even the best cookie can’t beat the worst donut. I know I’m probably riling some cookie fans out there, but I’m just telling it like it is. So I’m thinking, Santa goes to the first few million houses on Christmas Eve, he’s pretty burnt out on cookies by the time he gets to my place. Then he sees that glorious plate by the fireplace—a baker’s dozen of glazed donuts. Enough for him, his reindeer, and a few extra for the road…er, I mean sky. I’m thinking Santa’s going to love that. It’s the least I can do. The guy is always getting me something nice. Maybe he’ll even leave some glazed donuts under my tree this year.

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